Parking Prices in Poreč in 2023

The utility company Usluga Poreč published a new price list for parking.
The annual subscription fee for residents of Poreč for the use of the Great City Parking Lot (Veliko gradsko parkiralište), as well as the annual subscription fee for individual streets, amounts to 19.90 euros. With this application, Usluga says that they have maintained parking prices for their citizens, which are among the lowest in Croatia.
Hourly Street Parking Prices from May 1 to September 30:
Zone #1 – €2.00
Zone #2 – €1.50
Zone #3 – €1.00
Hourly Street Parking Prices from October 1 to April 30:
Zone #1 – €0.50
Zone #2 – €0.40
Zone #3 – no charge.
The changes in the new price list also apply to monthly subscription tickets in open (street) parking lots, so from now on the price of a monthly ticket will be 60 euros.
The price of hourly parking at the Vrtovi and Vindija parking lots according to the new price list will be €1.50, while the daily parking ticket for all parking zones is €20.
The new hourly price at the Veliko gradsko parkiralište is €2. This price applies to those users who do not have an annual subscription, mainly visitors and tourists in Poreč.
When it comes to subscriptions for renters, a new fee form will be applied, so a monthly fee will be introduced, which in the period from May 1 to September 30 will amount to 70 euros, while in the period from October 1 to April 30 the fee will be 5 euros.
All users can get detailed information at the Usluga office for users, every working day from 7 am to 2 pm or via e-mail [email protected].