Around Twenty Buildings Renovated in the Poreč Center

Around twenty buildings in the old town of Poreč have been renovated as part of the Program for the Protection and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, according to city officials. Grants from the so-called Heritage Rent encourage property owners in the Poreč historic and urban area to renovate and improve their buildings. Last year, 15 applications were submitted to the call for proposals. The program subsidizes the restoration and refurbishment of building structures, roofs, facades, and the restoration of external windows and doors.
Since 2016, 32 buildings have been submitted to the call for proposals. Twenty facades, roofs, or intermediate structures have been renovated.
The city has been giving non-refundable grants to encourage owners of properties in the old town area up to Joakim Rakovac Square and neighboring streets to renovate their buildings. The amount of the grant per building is not fixed but depends on the total area of the building. To renovate as many buildings as possible, owners can use the grant once every five years.
The budget for the program has increased as interest from citizens has grown. The maximum limit per building is 11,945 euros, encouraging the renovation of smaller buildings in the old town. The total budget for the latest call for proposals for the protection and restoration of cultural heritage measures is just over 53,000 euros. The funds are provided in the budget of the City of Poreč in cooperation with the Poreč Tourist Board.