Full Theater at the Korado Korlević Lecture

The theater in Poreč was packed to capacity last night for a lecture by Korad Korlević on the topic of “Whose Future Is It Anyway?” The lecture was organized by the Lions Club Poreč in collaboration with the Public Open University Poreč. Korlević, an astronomer, teacher, and member of the Višnjan Astronomy Society, presented his ideas on the development of modern society, criticizing the educational system that fails to create people who can adapt and find their place in such a society.
During the lecture, Korlević emphasized that we are on the path to chaos and that the knowledge offered in schools to unlock some of the key elements of that chaos is completely irrelevant. According to him, we are in a society of entertainment that cares primarily about happy consumers, and we are now in the blind spot of civilization.
After an interesting and inspiring lecture, Korlević answered several questions from the audience, and the full theater rewarded him with prolonged applause and a desire for a repeat meeting.
Korlević was awarded the Ivan Filipović Annual Award in 2002 for his work in the field of scientific and professional work. Since 2001, he has been inspiring and guiding generations of young people and popularizing astronomy.