Second Phase of Poreč Intermediate Bypass Completed

The construction of the second phase of the Poreč Bypass has been completed in the business zone of Facinka, connecting Vukovarska Street (Poreč-Varvari road) to Mate Vlašića Street. After the first section, Poreč-Varvari road, was opened to traffic in early April, the entire section through Facinka has now been completed and opened to traffic. This has relieved the Poreč Bypass and Mate Vlašića Street, particularly during the summer months when traffic is busiest. In addition, a pedestrian and bicycle path has been established from Varvari to the Facinka business zone, making it safer and more enjoyable for pedestrians and cyclists.
The first phase of the bypass was built in 2018, coinciding with the opening of the new Finida Elementary School. The first phase connected Finida Elementary School with the shopping center zone on Mate Vlašića Street. The recently completed second phase connected the Vukovarska Street (Poreč-Varvari road) through Facinka to Metro and Mate Vlašića Street.
The final, third phase will connect the Gonji Špadići and Gulići neighborhoods with Finida Elementary School, parallel to the existing bypass, further enhancing traffic standards in the city of Poreč. This will provide access to the Facinka business zone from several different directions, increasing traffic flow, safety, and access to desired amenities.