Protective Scaffolding and Photoprint Installation Begins on Becich Palace in Poreč

The installation of protective scaffolding and photoprints has commenced on Becich Palace (Palača Becich) in the historic core of Poreč. As a reminder, the city purchased this palace at an auction several years ago, exercising its right of first refusal to protect and repurpose this valuable structure. In the meantime, the palace and its courtyard have been cleaned, and the cats that resided there have been humanely relocated to a newly renovated shelter for cats at the Veterinary Hospital Poreč and elsewhere. Subsequently, the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism was commissioned to conduct a Feasibility Study for Becich Palace, which has now been completed.
Given that this building is a protected cultural heritage site located in the old town core, the aim is to safeguard this valuable part of the city’s history and put it to use as part of a large investment cycle and the ongoing revitalization of Poreč’s old town core in recent years. The city is in discussions with multiple institutions regarding the future purpose of the building, ranging from applying for available EU funds, although such funds are often inaccessible due to Poreč’s high development index, to exploring public-private partnerships, all based on the completed Feasibility Study conducted by the Institute. The city does not intend to sell the palace but rather seeks to find the best model that will ensure long-term sustainability rather than hasty decision-making. All of this requires a considerable amount of time, considering the status of the protected cultural heritage site. Consequently, it has been decided to protect and adorn the palace with a photoprint, primarily for safety and aesthetic reasons, given its prominent location near a school and kindergarten. The installation is expected to be completed by the end of next week.