All the News

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Free Disposal of Christmas Trees

The city utility company Usluga offers free disposal of Christmas trees at three locations. These are the recycling yards in Poreč and Gradina and the packaging department at Školjka, Nikola Tesla 11. The opening...

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Sterilization of Cats in Poreč at Special Prices

“Mijau” association from Rijeka, in agreement with veterinary clinics, traditionally organizes a cat sterilization campaign. The action started yesterday and will last until the end of February, and some veterinarians may extend it into...

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Four New Year’s Eves in Poreč

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, which traditionally throughout Istria gathers a large number of guests eager to have a good time outdoors. A dozen hotels are open in Poreč during the holidays, and the...

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Mayor Loris Peršurić’s Holiday Greeting

My dear women and men from Poreč,thank you for everything done this year.Because of you, our city is the best city in the world for me.Your mayor, Loris Peršurić and his colleagues wish you...

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Free Parking in Poreč until January 15

On the occasion of the upcoming holidays and the traditional Poreč Advent, which takes place in the old town, free parking is provided for all citizens and visitors in the period from December 24...