Poreč Prize Game: Design a Roundabout, Win a Rickshaw Ride!

porec traffic roundabout
Roundabouts in Poreč (image source: Usluga Poreč)

In a dazzling display of municipal magnanimity, the city of Poreč has unveiled a groundbreaking competition, urging its residents to put on their thinking caps and dream up the next big thing in traffic mismanagement. The grand prize? A gratis jaunt on the city’s rickshaws – because nothing screams “luxury transportation” quite like being pedaled around by an aspiring cyclist.

The Poreč Prize Game invites citizens to flex their urban planning muscles by suggesting the most fitting locale for the city’s newest roundabout. Forget about pesky traffic engineers and their years of education – Poreč is putting its fate in the hands of the people who regularly struggle to parallel park.

The citizens are abuzz with excitement, imagining a utopian cityscape where the streets are paved with confusing traffic patterns and adorned with avant-garde rotaries.

– It’s like being handed the keys to a car you’ve never driven and being asked to redesign the engine. What could possibly go wrong?, said one enthusiastic participant, who promptly lost his keys in a pothole.

As submissions pour in, ranging from the avant-garde to the downright absurd, the city council is scrambling to assemble a panel of judges capable of deciphering the nuanced brilliance of these visionary plans. Rumor has it that the panel includes a retired circus clown, a part-time astrologer, and a dog with an uncanny ability to sit on command.

– We’re looking for that perfect blend of chaos and confusion, something that makes our commuters question their life choices while waiting at the lights, declared the mayor, who was seen practicing his own interpretive dance routine for the upcoming awards ceremony.

But it’s not just about bragging rights. The lucky winner will be treated to a once-in-a-lifetime experience: a free ride on one of Poreč famed rickshaws. Yes, you too can have the wind in your hair and a stranger huffing and puffing behind you as you navigate the city streets.

As the competition heats up, so does the anticipation for the grand unveiling of Poreč’s newest traffic masterpiece. Will it be a whirlwind of whimsy or a tempest of transportation torment? Only time, and a handful of pigeons equipped with scoring cards, will tell. Stay tuned for the winner and brace yourself for the inevitable traffic tango that is sure to ensue.

This article is intended for humorous and satirical purposes only. The content within should not be taken seriously, and any resemblance to real events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental.


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