May Day 2024 Celebration at Poreč City Beach Draws Crowds

The extended May Day weekend attracted numerous visitors to Poreč, which saw a remarkable 28% increase in overnight stays compared to last year.
As is customary, May Day was celebrated at the City Beach (Gradsko kupalište), where the day kicked off with a brisk game tournament of briscola (briškula) and tresette (trešeta). The musical festivities began with a performance by the local band Baredinesaurus, followed by the renowned band Magazin, whose timeless hits got the crowd singing and dancing. Later, the Alpha Time Band entertained the audience with their music. Alongside the music, visitors enjoyed a rich gastronomic offer, with a thousand complimentary servings of beans disappearing in no time. The combination of good weather, diverse culinary options, and music for all ages attracted many locals and tourists to the City Beach.
In addition to the May Day celebration, the extended weekend was filled with events related to the City Day festivities. The Poreč Lions Club collected funds for the Society of Disabled Persons Poreč at Freedom Square (Trg slobode) while distributing sardines. The local emergency responders marked their day by demonstrating first-aid techniques to interested individuals. Furthermore, the dance associations MOT08 and USB Poreč marked World Dance Day with beautiful performances at Freedom Square, spreading the joy of dance among the city’s children.
According to data from the eVisitor system, the largest number of guests in the Poreč Tourist Board area came from neighboring Slovenia, followed by guests from Germany, Poland, and Austria. During the period from April 25th to May 1st, there was a 10% increase in overnight stays. This period coincides with national holidays in source markets, such as Festa della Liberazione in Italy (April 25th) and Liberation Front Day in Slovenia (April 27th). Judging by the tourism results in the pre-season, another promising tourist season lies ahead, enriched by numerous events organized for all residents and guests by the City of Poreč and the Poreč Tourist Board.