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theater theatre porec cinema 0

Movie Nights in Poreč on January 26-28

Public Open University Poreč in its cinema program on January 26-28, 2023 offers the following titles: Tickets can be bought through online ticket system at Movies usually have English audio and Croatian subtitles....

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Discover Poreč: The Euphrasian Basilica

The Euphrasian Basilica, located in Poreč, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important examples of Byzantine architecture in the Western Balkans. The basilica was built in the 6th century...

musem night 2023 porec noc muzeja 0

Museum Night in Poreč on Friday, January 27

This year’s 18th Museum Night will be held on Friday, January 27, under the theme “Museums Are Important”. This year’s Museum Night event in Poreč will be marked by a diverse program that includes...

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New Playground in Baderna Is Being Built

At the beginning of the year, minor communal works were continued by all the local committees of the City of Poreč. Thus, in Baderna, the renovation and arrangement of the children’s playground near the...

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Love Run 2023 in Poreč

The Zelena Laguna promenade, which stretches along the seashore, will be the location that will gather all who spread love – especially the love for running, in February 2023! Join us and open a...

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Parking Prices in Poreč in 2023

The utility company Usluga Poreč published a new price list for parking. The annual subscription fee for residents of Poreč for the use of the Great City Parking Lot (Veliko gradsko parkiralište), as well...